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Fat Measurement | Imaging Center Papayannakis | Radiologist, Chania

Body Composition Analysis
Fat measurement precision with the specialized program BSA

The project in a fat determination is best to (Body Composition Analysis – BCA) is a program, which is included in the systems for measuring bone mineral density EXPLORER construction of the U.s. House of HOLOGIC and which offers a lot of advantages to the patient:

  • Count with accuracy the rate of fat, muscle and bone mass, as well as the total mass of the body, both percentage and absolute numerical values.
  • Produces high-quality color images, which depict the distribution of fat, tissue and bone with unique detail, and facilitate the diagnosis and determining the appropriate treatment.
  • Provides ability to control the evolution of the patient during follow-up examinations, with a view colour images of past exams, making it easier for the doctor to detect any changes via the Rate of Change Report.
  • It is the only program that allows you to d can provide in just 3 minutes a more detailed body composition analysis, which is available today in medical technology.

In particular, during this examination takes place at the same time with the same scan whole body examination and fat measurement, which determines both the bone mass and adipose and muscle tissue per area of the body, with only a minimal radiation (just 1/10 of radiation that we receive from a common chest x-ray).

The results of the λιπομετρικής analysis via the method DEXA, involving separately the following υπόπεριοχές: left and right arm, left leg, right leg, torso, subassembly, head, full of fat distribution in android or γυναικοειδές model (Android/Gynoid), but overall the entire body.

The categorization of the build on the basis of fat distribution on an android or γυναικοειδές model (Android/Gynoid) is extremely important, since it counts the intra-abdominal fat, which is an important risk factor of premature death due to obesity. In particular, the ανδροειδής type or shape "apple", is characterized by increased intra-abdominal fat, and is a predisposing factor for coronary heart disease, hypertension, type II diabetes, and premature death. The γυναικοειδής type or format "pear", is characterized by breakdown of fat in the hips, buttocks and thighs.

Based on research it has been shown that the capacity of the ολοσωματικής analysis using the method of DEXA to recognize the risk of cardiovascular disease and the metabolic syndrome, based on the ability to distinguish between body fat by regions and classifies the build in android and γυναικοειδές model.

Finally, it calculates the BMI (Body-Mass-Index), body mass Index) in accordance with the current classification of the WHO (World Health Organization – World Health Organization) and the results are to be classified in the corresponding scale Underwight / Normal / Overweight / Obesity I / Obesity II / Obesity III.

Compared with the rest of the simple methods of computer-
tion of the fat (e.x. scales fat determination is best to – conductivity etc.l.) which indirectly calculate body fat with a wide range of error and offering essentially indicative values only, without being able to separate and to give information separately for the 3 elements of the body (bones, fat and muscles), the method of DEXA can appreciate with extremely high accuracy (99%) loss or gaining muscle mass, or fat tissue, by quantity and by specific area of the body.

Also, with the possibility of repeat viewing, is directly compared with the results of all previous measurements by means of the special program Rate of change Report, in order to be immediately visible or slightest differentiation. The examination, on the top modern equipment, DEXA, takes up to 7 minutes.

The method DEXA

The method DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry, dual-Energy Photonic Inhaled), which is used for the diagnosis of osteoporosis, it is the most reliable method of fat determination is best to and analysis of body composition. In the centre is a high-precision fat measurement exclusively with the method of DEXA of the innovative construction House HOLOGIC – USA.

Excellent Accuracy!

An entire scan of body composition takes just three minutes.

  • It is designed to eliminate the need for multiple scans, even if parts of the body are found outside of the scan.
  • The penetration of X-ray of the Hologic produce excellent image quality for all patients, regardless of shape or size.

500 million people (or 1 in 10) in the world are obese.

During the last 20 years obesity increased by 82%.

2.8 million people die every year from complications and diseases due to obesity.

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